Tag Archives: Radiator

Mocin Sekelas CRF250? ada….. Shineray X2

26 Okt

Shineray X2 (XY250GY2)

Shineray X2 merupakan motor DOHC watercooled pertama yg dikembangkan oleh pabrikan china. Mesin motor ini dikembangkan oleh shineray dari basis mesin DOHC dari Yin Gang (YG250) yang merupakan copy dari mesin honda. Mesin YG250 sendiri dipakai juga oleh pabrikan CPI untuk model enduronya.

Taiwan CPI actually gets engines from Yin Gang (YG) who spent years to develop the 1st China DOHC 250 water-cooled engine, basically this is an exact Honda copy with wide gear ratio. This engine is OK but the power was lowered down to maintain high durability.

Mainly for X2 MXer project, Shineray built-up their own production line, and improved YG 250. Finally X2 engine fully built by Shineray, the overall performance is better than YG 250. Higher power and closer gear ratio give rider more MX feel.

Rumor has it, Shineray has used a Honda AX-1 (NX250) based engine giving the 250GY a DOHC, four-valve, high-compression, water-cooled power plant with a 6-speed gear box. As a rider of an AX-1 in the past, if the performance of this engine is anything like the original Honda, we should all welcome the ability to cruise comfortably at highway speeds thanks to an added over-drive gear and still be light enough to kick-up some fun after the pavement ends. Hopefully more official details will follow on this soon.



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